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Official logo for 8x14
Main Page created May 13th 2019

Museum of Originals
Public Domain Photos Volume 1: Nature
Public Domain Photos Volume 2: Paintings
Public Domain Photos Volume 3: Animals

ZZT Exibit
 ASCII, ANSI, Super ZZT, Code Page 437
Proxima Accent 1994's Descent Files
Additional Down-loadable Content
Icons, Lode Runner, Dungeon Master,Wave SFX
(non)Critic[al] Adventure Expressions
Minecraft Gallery part 1
Glitches, Quarks and Past Features
Minecraft Chapter 2
Scenic Scenes, My Discoveries and Firsts
Minecraft Chapter 3
Potential Features We Could Add
 Might and Magic 

Sirtech's Wizardry 8

Rog 128
40 Column dos based RPG
with 8x14 pixel graphics.

Points of Interest

Continent 7 feels like another planet, with the mountains and the south pole's day - night cycles being as seasons.

"North" points to Norway,
"South" points between Alaska and Siberia,
"West" points to Boca Chica, Texas,
"East" points to Bangladesh.
Islands between Antarctica and the main lands. Numbers in parenthesis depict [approx.] number of islands: "(#)". Hard to say if the South Orkney Islands is apart of Antarctica.

New Zealand
(Archipelago with one large island)
 Auckland Island Motu Maha.
(1, surrounded with countless rocks) Macquarie Island.
(Archipelago with one large island)
 Campbell Island Motu Ihupuku.
South America (Archipelago) Diego Ramirez Islands, As far as I know, these are the closest islands to both the rest of the world (the 6 continents), and Antarctica's farthest islands from the south pole.

South America (2) Elephant Island, Clarence, these two could be considered part of the south pole.

South America (8) South Orkney Islands.
South America (8) Central Islands.

Africa (1) Bouvet Island (Norway)
Africa (2)
 Prince Edward Islands.
Africa (5) Iles Crozet (France)

Asia (2 archipelagos with larger islands)
 French Southern and Antarctic Lands,
Heard Island and McDonald Islands.
France's Kerguelen
Amundsen-Scott south pole station (USA).

McMurdo Station, off of New Zealand east coast. They just got StarLink

Mount Erebus.
Antarctic peninsula.
Onyx River of the Dry Valleys.

Under Rooms; released 2017 October 16th. 
ZZT - Space Protector Theme; released 2017 October 17th.
I've planned to have music played via classic Netscape midi plug-in Beat-nic, Voytrex, WinGroove, FM chip...
Deep Cave; released 2022, December 9th. An ambience track, horror genre.
Future Songs include, but not limited to are as follows;
'Everything Is Wrong With Everything'. Original Title from 1999 was 'Lego Work'.
'Thunderous Dawn Mounts'.

Concrete Water Reservoir Decorum and Cave Scaffolding
It's possible to artfully paint the outside of these. Normally these are grey, unpainted structures that don't blend in with the surroundings.

In this case, square bricks are implemented into the reservoir its self rather than painted. 

See the source imagePainted as a canvas. Yet stands out.
Dealing with pipes is hard in regards
to incorporating them into the painting.
See the source imageOnce an actual reservoir, this one was converted into a room. Some one could paint windows and boarded up doors yet still remain a functional reservoir.
See the source imageSample 2, Square and Rectangle, Wood Shed. Begins with black coat, then wood planks are painted on, including boarded up windows and doors also painted on.
See the source imageRustic in appearance, but not dilapidated. A cubic shaped water container can be painted to look like a garden shed of sorts.

Deconstruction, RRR and demolition of dilapidated structures and buildings.
Date and time reformat; 2019 May 4th 12:59;59.0

Emoji Media
Emoji - Squeam
Squeam: Denotes Squeamish, as in the thought of observing something uncomfortable to another entity.
Emoji - Squint
Squint: Denotes mere; emotional discomfort, restrained frustration, awkwardness, flustered, waning patience.
Waiting Waning: June 22nd 2023
Vandal: Intended for one intending to vandalize.
Could be used in a joking manner. 
._.๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜’Depicts Jaded, Disappointment...


"Ima just gonna go with it"

Cold shoulder observation

Coughing [in general]


Tastes bad, but I'm laughing

Food coma

Car sick


The search for quieter - but just as spectacular: While most fireworks create a boom, some are more like a muted crackle. As the speed of sound makes the sight of these bursts out of sync with the noise they produce, lighting the loudest ones arguably dampens the display.

Geodesic Domes for arctic towns
Transparent up to 12 hours a day as sunlight permits. Opaque dark on the inside 12 hours a day during which solar cells on the outside store energy for up to 12 hours of artificial light to shine on the inside of the dome in which the buildings are.

Game Ideas;
Megamen; Fan made Mega Man game based on 4 or 5 for the Commodore Amiga. Via Sega Genesis controller.

Descent 2 on the Play Station 2.
Dungeon Master for the Sega Genesis.

Using a 1 button controller for a Rogue port; Pull joystick in any of 8 directions to choose desired tile to step to - press button while holding desired direction to move to chosen square. When no direction is selected, button opens menu to choose item use, map...

Globe redefinitions:
NA  North America
SA  South America
EP  Europe
AS  Asia
AF  Africa
OC  Oceana
AN  Antarctica
AT  Atlantic ocean
PC  Pacific ocean
IO  Indian ocean
AO Arctic Ocean. North of Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Alaska...

History of Aviation in the year +1783
  • June 5 – The Montgolfier brothers send up at Annonay, near Lyon, a 900 m linen hot air balloon as a public demonstration. Its flight covers 2 km and lasts 10 minutes, to an estimated altitude of 1600–2000 metres.[5]
  • August 27 – Jacques Charles and the Robert brothers launch the first hydrogen balloon in Paris.
  • November 21 – The first free flight by humans in a balloon is made by Pilรขtre de Rozier and Marquis d'Arlandes who fly aloft for 25 minutes about 100 metres above Paris for a distance of 9 km.[5]
  • December 26 – Louis-Sรฉbastien Lenormand makes the first ever recorded public demonstration of a parachute descent by jumping from the tower of the Montpellier observatory in France using his rigid-framed model which he intends as a form of fire escape.

  •  Irony of Ironies 
    Aug. 22nd 2018Vega • Aeolus
    Launch time: 2120:09 GMT 5:20:09 p.m. EDT ZLV, Kourou, French Guiana
    An Arianespace Vega rocket, designated VV12, will launch with the Aeolus satellite for the European Space Agency. ADM-Aeolus will be the first ever satellite to deliver wind profiles on a global scale and on a daily basis. Delayed from November, Jan. 20 and mid-2018. Delayed from Aug. 21 to wait for improved wind conditions.

     Jokes and Jabs 
    April Fools day does not have to be about fake stories and misinformation, it can be about being silly.
    Typical speed limit of a parking space
    o O 0
    ''I was frozen to absolute zero once, and it was 0K.''
    Jamaican Me Crazy''renewable energy. I'm a big fan.''
    Speaker; ''Oumuamua is the first exo-asteroid.''
    Haylee; ''I'd like to comet on that''
    [6/15/2015] Super Retro Trio;
    ''Yeah I got this a few days ago and when opening the box it did have a some what stench scent, but it was more like a newcar smell. I kinda sniffed it as I like the newcar smell. I don't think it could cause any haarm its not lyke it coziz bran damnige or enythang.''
    Annika O'Brien; ''Did you know 3.14% of sailors are actually ฯ€-rates?''
    ToNLiT: I'm Con Fused ... Watt is the point...  could'nt they sleep at Ohm ? If they sleep too much they may Pylon the Pounds... Sorry Guys, I could'nt Resist . . .
    Is ''Spelled'' spelled spelt?
    Not an endorsement in any way, shape, form and or color.
    What's inside an ICBM? an IBM
    How many SCPs does it take to change a light bulb?

    A breakfast cereal. 
    Circa 2007

    Grape Nut O's were the best

    non-parrot effect.
    e (he/she)
    LED lighting, The progress of.
    ID typeface highlight for web bowser.

    Manual Musing Stories, Tiny tales in the instruction booklet for the procrastinating reader.

    Jan31st 3pm club house
    April 8th 2015 Gravel w/ rich
    Is Greenland an island of North America or the mainland of the Atlantic ocean?

    There's also 4th world 'countries', which are uncontacted tribes that barely comprehend, or not know at all that the outside world exists.

     Opinions by me on art, media and products 
    Stargate: Atlantis debuted in 2004. I happen to see the first minute of the pilot, but as I was not into the Stargate universe I decided not to watch (O.o). I got very much into the Atlantis series around 2007 and watched it 'til the series finale some years later. Oddly enough, I felt that the first season was a bore. Not until the 3rd season it got addictive.
    It's hard to believe STE begin all the way back in Sep 2001. At first it was just 'Enterprise', which through me off a bit, as it gave the impression it was a spin off of the Star Trek universe (I.E. another Andromeda). But as the years went by I rather had no issue with just 'Enterprise', as there was already 4 series with 'Star Trek in the title. STE may have had only 4 seasons, but it was well worth watching. I did not miss a single episode.
    I only liked the first season of Legend of The Seeker. The first season was way more diverse in stories and just plain fun. The second season was graphic, traumatic and all about getting the stone of tears and bringing it to the Pillars of Creation (Which is most likely a reference to the interstellar gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula).
    The radioactive symbol has been a favorite of mine for countless years. Apparently it's based upon a three leafed plant [Trefoil]. My idea was that the dot in the middle was the hazardous substance while the fans protruding were the gamma rays and alpha particles.
    At some point I thought that it was a drawing of a ventilation fan.
    The Bio-hazard sign. It was designed [among many] as a striking and menacing warning sign that is recognizable. My original thought was that the middle background hollow circle was an unsealed container releasing the germs thus the strange protrusions in air form.
      Matter and anti-matter combustion danger sign


    An upper case Z with
    a dot atop. 

    A lower case L with a stroke.
    Polish alphabet. Polish
    Est Est EstablishmentUsing ∙ instead of . to denote abbreviations
    a, b, and/or c.  a, b, c.
    The extra space[bar] denotes further separation of example[s].
    Northern Sami 
    on Wiktionaryฤฐ
    รฐ Eth Latin small letter
    ฤ Awe

    Indicating the hour or minute is rounded off then ending the sentence
    Methods of Writing;
    Pp, T, y.

    Right Half of The Day (Noon through 6:PM). 2021 May 22nd
    Turn a bummer into a winner.

    Reduce (refuse) - Reuse - Recycle and E-cycle
    2023 04 25 - I have some confidence in this working,,,

    Data Disks
    5 & a quarter inch,
    3 & a half inch.

    Programs Installed

    Hardware, Units, Devices and Remotes


    Internet Network

    Hardware Components,
    Chips Boards


    Each sub section will have a separate compact image to display progress

    Semi-sub-way, slightly underground. Less than a meter under the ground. Top of transparent tunnel is visible at ground level.

    Touch Pad Revamp. The vowels are all first, even W if one actually counts it. 2015, March 15th.
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    7 8 9
    # 0 *
    AB CD  EF
    GH IJ  KL
    MN OP  QR
    ST  UV  WXYZ

    A slightly improved version to the original
    6x10 Table to copy and paste

    Using previously used calendars from the past. It's actually pretty thrifty.

    Virtual Data Retention Internet Server
    Virtual [Data]Retention [Internet]Server
    Building an internet server with spare parts.

    Archival library with
    Searching for a cloud service to;
    1. MOVE files to and from local storage with the drag and drop feature thus,
    2. preserving file creation and modification dates, with options of
    3. files and folders accessible and visible to anyone with,
    4. a Windows-esqu GUI including but not limited to presentable web site design.
    5. Single setting for font settings in one.

    Blogger: Flexible mess, more of an issue with HTML.
    Mega.NZ; Decent, visitors must sign in to download.
    Pinterest; None.
    Mix; Low, for YT and www links.
    Digg; Least. OK, limited image format recognition.
    Tumbler: Meh, too many prompts.

    Thursday, ‎April ‎16, ‎1998, ‏‎10:51:48 AMFriday, ‎November ‎13, ‎1998, ‏‎2:48:42 PM
     Windows Features, or lack there of 

    Use the recent list in 'File Name' to find
    most icons chosen. Dec 2020
    Future site of XP hints


    Notepad has 'new instances'

    and file previewer.

    X, words that start with the letter x.


    ZZT de-make for the Commodore Plus 4
    'Effort' takes the place of the 'Intelligence' setting for the lions and many enemies.
    Morph replaces the #change OOP command.
    July 20th, 2020.
    Ricochet, Slime - Asterisk
    Bear - Lowercase o
    Torch - Uppercase Y
    Tiger - Lowercase n
    Player - Either 0 [Zero], @
    Forest - Pound sign
    Water - Striped graphic character
    Lion - Lowercase h
    Energizer - +
    Python [Centipede] - Corner graphic characters
    Key - Checkmark
    Passage [Passageway] - =
    Shark - Grey apostrophe.
    Normal wall [Normal] - Checkerboard graphic.
    Solid wall [Solid] - Null.

    July 20th 2020
    Object[s] renamed to Subject[s].
    #change renamed to #morph
    :Label[s] renamed to :React[ions] (touch, shot, enter...)
    :touche, Denotes a subject that attempts to move into a tile that the hero is occupying but the hero wont move (as if blocked by a wall). Can also be when the subject and hero try to move into each others tile at the exact same time.
    Ammo type (dark grey) that moves items or terrains that can be moved by the hero.
    Transporter[s] renamed to Warp[s], maybe Loophole[s].
    B0ms renamed to c4ch4.
    Crates can be moved like boulders, but destroyed like breakables.
    #Bind command renamed #Affix
    In addition to #if contact, there is a :contact for subjects. A subject with this label will immediately react to being next to the player.
    #draw command, like #put allows subject to create any line of kinds any place.
    #draw 22 11 red fake n 9 [Begin line here]
    Aspects of tigers and ruffians swapped.

    Hold left mouse button to select from right to left for copy-paste.