Uniomni - Animator & Sci-fi Space Construction Platformer

Working Logo for Uniomni
Uniomni is a 2.2 dimensional platforming sandbox program announced 2019, May 22nd, 2:22pmIt's heavily based and inspired by my pixel art in the 1990s.
Main points;
Resource economy based on Gravity Well 3
Animate 2D objects, variable frame rate - 1fps .1fps 1.5fps and so on.
5 Pixels in a row is equal to 1 meter length.
Solaren is the in-game definition of a solar system.
Choose and\or create any kind of world, high above brown dwarves!
(July 2020) Meanies and Enemies; Underminer, Interferer, Stifler and Saboteur.
Control each created hologram with the arrow keys.
Temporal snapshots allows the user to undo any changes. Begin a second mission
in the past of a first mission and watch as the construction unravels while the second mission progresses in a neighboring area, kind of simulating multiplayer.
Insert your own SFX, BGM and ambiance for toggled effects\events.
Volcryo, A cryo-volcano spews N2 in disaster prone areas.
Non-Euclidian scenarios of evicting a ship while it's deorbiting and disintegrating. 
Atmospheric resource purchases from Earth, mediocre cost but limited buys. From Venus, wealthy yet limitless.
Memo; create a ZZT kit to use letters as numbers when counting- helps to learn lettering order.
Construct on Luna, Paint a base on a Jovian Moon, Cloud colonies on any gas giant with near earth gravity.
Generically engineered bees to cross pollenate fungi flowers for air production.

For extra downloadable content of Uniomni:
 Concept Art 

Mineral extraction while expanding the hab into an asteroid

pieces for

February 4th 2024 - replit

May 27th 2019; Uni Omni well be about the user creating space settlements. Using Holographic characters to help construct buildings. The user can control an single hologram or sub program them to be interacted with.
Lagrange PointBG1 Vacuum, or space.
BG2 Any kind of atmosphere, breathable air.
BG3 Structure backing, bulkheads.
BG4 Furniture, tables, decor to be interacted with. All backgrounds can be transcended with foreground subjects.

Fg1 Foreground Layer One. Holograms[user controlled characters], solid surfaces.

Fg2 Foreground Layer Two. Any thing that appears in front of Fg1 or BG4 [the Z axis].
I may program Uni Omni in 32bit Visual C++ 4.2b, as Warpath97 is programmed in this language, and has run in any OS I've ever had.

Ring of solar cells on poles of Moon for constant sunlight.
Within Uniomni users can create custom objects and animate them.

Create 3 pixel wide by 8 pixel tall holographic characters. Building and Hover-ship templates are built in for a quick start to the beginner.

You won't be able to create chemicals as one can in Powder Toy.

But you can create conversation dialogue for characters as one does in ZZT.
Import any image files which automatically become background. Little by little turn parts of the image into foreground features.
"Is it safe?" "It is now... ish"

Create, و کد modify the viscosity and appearance of fluids to make any kind of liquid.

Translucent and or Reflective Water

Black Tar
Red Orange Yellow Lava
Brown Mud
White Steam
Wet Grey Cement
Nov 14th, 2019: Non-final example of the running animation of holograms to illustrate 3x8 pixel animations.
Nov 14 2019
An example of a pod's fuel meter
Resource management similar to Gravity Well 3.2






Malfunction, malfunction,
I'm unable

to get a sharper image.
 Click to download.
Liquids can be environmental hazards.
Fine regolith, quicksand.

Unbeknownst to explorers, viscoelastic fluids

are hard to find.

Depictions of holograms standing and sitting. The proportions are off [holograms sitting or standing
are [about] the same height], but visuals are slightly.
1 of 8: Hologram glancing right, inspired by Tower Climb.
2 and 3 of 8: The 1995 Model
4 and 5 of 8: Furniture.
6: Sitting height = to standing height. Model too high.
7. Sitting, seat is squat and shoes stick out too far.
8. Best working model with pixels over lapping.
Create Redundancy
Hot-gas flames are built in, but there are a few more types, Atomic (catastrophic), flames that 'burn' radioactive isotopes or bio-hazards.
Both counters must by synched to the point that the off set is indistinguishable as to which one is faster/slower.
5x5 pixel Font Type II
Pod: a space ship or shuttle.
Pad: a landing platform for pods.
Hab: a structure rather it be a building or excavated tunnel for holograms.
Hub: The starbase located in a Lagrange point of which all resources branch off of. (main menu)
Via (my fav 3-letter word), a tramway of space, linking each user created sessions, I.E. A Mars Base linking to a Deimos Lab in to separate files
Klein Bot: A drone capable of occupying any space, or solid material.
Elaborate [Option Button]: Takes cargo held and sends it to a Lab.
Osmosis: A filter to handle fluids...
Download via https://mega.nzAudio to be utilized
Downloads provided via 8x14@Mega.NZ
Q: Is Uni Omni a rip off of Terraria, Powder Toy, Sim City, Space Engineers, etc?
A: No. But those have promoted Uni Omni's actual concept since the 90's.