Minecraft Chapter 1 - Glitches, Quarks and Past Features

Bugs, glitches and errors that're out of place and don't belong in any Minecraft version
A generated mine shaft next to preexisting water from a prier chunk generation. Even the torch doesn't know its not attached to a wall.

An example of 'Source-less Light'.
In this case, no torch was ever present, a flame via lightning may have been the cause.

A torch was on the sand but the light remained for countless minutes afterward.

A burnt out kiln emits a glow.
A bug in village generation.
Houses mustn't override ponds.
A rail at 99 altitude mistakenly has snow falling.
Drape of shade
Unshaded grass block sides.
A version in which unmounting a boat or minecart would result in the player model not reverting to the default standing position.
Un-updated water. In version 1.12 this can happen with chunk generation of more recent chunk generation methods.
When flying with an animal on a lead and trying to gently lower them onto the ground, it will not negate the animal's falling damage.

Attempting to burn flattened grass. The flame is a meter too high.

A fire block has the wrong angle.
A column of snow surrounded by rain
Leaves in The End have glitchy transparency
The side textures of a double slab in water is effected via a block on top of it.
Doors placed in 2010 and 2011 have the top half missing after some skipped updates. This is only an issue with dated back ups of old worlds.

Grass spawns in mid-air. Or mid-error?

Grass and sun flowers spawning over ponds.

Above; Active water with out water source block terrain generated.

You can get this effect with repeatedly dumping a water bucket and recapturing the water. Though, next time the world is loaded the source-less water will vanish.
Sheep clipping thru wall

Ocean Monument
generation overrides
existing buildings.
A bug even today. Conflict in chuck generating generations. Shear cliffs and uneven terrain. You can mitigate this by placing stone and dirt against the cliff to at least make it appear more natural.

I was logged into my
Mojang account -

- yet my skin reverted back
to the female default. 2016
Bug June 8th 2018, an image clipping issue with the swirls of potions behind water.

November ‎29th ‎2015, A former visual bug in which oddities [from chunks afar?] would manifest as phantom blocks/chunks.

Very similar to the the fractal bug
Dec 2015 Torches manage to hold lava and water.
Having smooth lighting on causes grass trail blocks to appear much darker.

Dec 2015 The Fractal error, these negate when a block is placed near or in the glitched area.
Dec 2015, Rails generate over thin air. Entities drop thru, yet carts are held up and can be rode/ridden.

Air Pocket glitch
Flattened grass is canceled into dirt having any block placed above it
Ponds shrouded in shade make them appear deeper than they are.

All three ponds are one meter deep.
The 1.13 Aqua update fixes the oddity of water not flowing into hallow-ish blocks [fences, stairs, slabs...] but causes a glitch[?] in which a water bucket placed on top an top side slab causes the water source block into the hallow block instead of on top of it.
Waterfall has/had graphical artifacts. Nov 2015

Xray Glitch; Nov 2015; Without much try, you can see thru ground and whats below.
Chunks wont load
'Munchies Bug'. In some cases the user will get stuck in a eating loop in which they keep munching on the same single piece of food while pressing the right mouse button, making the eating sound effect and walking slowly but not actually consuming it.
A wolf appears in the shade despite being in a lit area.
1.13; Older mine carts have weird names
Animals had a slight chance to get stuck in waterfalls. Sep 2018 v1.13; Still a bug, my first horse strayed away, got stuck/caught and drowned in this very water fall.
It's possible for skeletons to ride inside the minecart with the player and continue to shoot the player.
A horse can wonder onto a chest and take suffocate damage if blocks are 3 meters above him/her.
Paintings over lapping

If you're riding a boat and row into an area of ocean 1 meter higher [old chunks vs. new chunks] the boat will stay floating underwater. The player will still breathe normally with no air supply dropping.
Custom worlds that
don't have any
kind of underground
will make mobs funnel
into shaded areas during daytime.

Repeatedly placing a bucket of water and scooping it up can make a phantom water [flow, not source] block appear. It can even saturate crops. However, when exiting to the main menu and returning can make the glitch vanish. This is not the same as deleting chunks that have a water source block and the water flow block is still present. This that case, the water will remain even after returning to the specific world.
Horse walks on two for a minute.
I've had horses walk crooked.

Old chunks in 1.13 may have these odd lighting grid glitches.
Boat rider won't dismount, rather sneaks while in.
Rain splashes visible under carpet and glass panes.

Footage missingTime Freeze; All mobs are stopped in place and can't be interacted in anyway. Dropped item resources are animating but the player refuses to pick them up despite having free inventory spaces. Unloaded chunks a little ways away don't load either.
Crouch Ladder Bug
Similar to the xray bug, the F5 view can allow the player to see thru stone.

Grass block sides appear weird,
may be ATI GFX card exclusive.

In v1.13[+...?], beds can be placed right into and next to water and lava. Go figure.

Quarks: These are not necessarily bugs, but rather odd tidbits
or anomalies. These could also be considered exploits.
When Night Vision is active, the nether bg sky emits a reddish glow.
by the
Mojang team
Flaming bottle. Through any splash potion thru lava and they burn.
A great amount of emeralds for an enchanted book. The villager barter design leaves much to be desired.
While gravel is a gravity block, it can be held via a button.
Mojang is known for 'reusing' textures [and even blocks], but that's OK. Orange sand, green grass.
Newer versions of chunk generation had the sea level 1 meter lower than the older generation. In this case, the rift is in a cold biome.
The BG of the still with splash potions makes the potions appear to have a rope handle.
It is possible to prep a bow and hold a sword simultaneously.
Horses tend to have just over 20 hp, resulting in a 2nd row of 1 or a few hearts.
Normally one can only be able to mine upwards 4 meters, but if you jump you can mine a block 5 meters up. You have to keep jumping until the block is mined. While the player is below the block by 4 meters and still holding the left mouse button, the cracks will halt [unless the player releases the mouse button].

The option to plant torches on leaves tends to swap.

Torches use to have been able to be placed on leaves.
Dropped resources floating into blocks via water flow creates splash[and SFX]es with bubbles.

Normally only young horses can ride a boat, but if you leave the young in the boat and wait you can have a grown horse ride... There may be an issue with dismantling the boat.
Human shaped mobs [1x1x2 meters] can be halted via carpet at an 1x1x2 entryway.
Undead hording. An area that spawns many drowneds.
Villager prevents a mine cart from sliding downwards
Kelp pushing water source blocks upwards
Planter pots float

Bed half on land, half on water.
You can see thru white stained glass floors when the player's head is in a glass block.
Snow layers will burst and make a noise when the decaying leaves below them vanish. As if the snow is being mined.

When in 3rd person view the angle can be pointed to be just above the ocean surface and have the sky appear still underwater. Making it look like blue foggy twilight.
Fragment of a generated ship wreck. The rest of the ship was to be generated, but pre-existing chunks prevented that.
Two sets of chunk generation meet to form unreacting water-lava.
Shaded stairs. Light does not penetrate the quarter hollow part of the stone steps despite adjacent to lit blocks.

Boat sinks

Diving model in inventory

Placing a 2nd chest next to an existing one onto ivy produces two chests rather than a single 1x2 chest.

Placing a chest next to a single existing chest connected to a dropper.
Lava pools and vegetation don't mix
A sliver of light, or lack there of.
Tilled dirt opens a 1 x 16 pixel gap, but no light comes through. Same with grass trail blocks.

Testing for varied snow layers.
Flowers can be planted onto tilled land.
Will the land stay tilled? And if it does not, does the flower pop off?
Sugar Cane does not always self break [at least not for a while] when a lack of water is next to it.
You can frost walk on water at night, or in the shade and the frozen water will stay frozen.
Mining frost walked water
New in 1.14.x, one can swing the free main arm and quickly right click bed.
Temp torch
Villages tend to have near vertical trails
Ivy growing upwards onto the half meter side of stairs
An un-merged double chest
facing each other.
Crops generated on flattened grass
A sign can be posted on a gelatin block.
Also the sign merges with a glass pane.
Spawned village + cave
Some how I got to levitate slightly above while mounted on a horse. Boarding a boat then mounting a horse?
Enchantment menu gap
Indented hotttt lava

Images lacking
Only head
Sheep won't mount minecart
Many achievements all at once
Thin water
Spiders can be turned neutral with torch light (believed to be during night, or underground during day but with artificial light.)
Generated poppies on sand pop into dropped resources
The fancy clouds make rain more visible, but also the rain is apparently above the fancy clouds.
For a few updates, creepers would begin to detonate but stop a split second prier to exploding and stay that way until encountered with the player.


 Past features, bugs, glitches and the sort that have been taken away. 
As far as I know
mushrooms don't
grow out of
control any more.

The brown wool of s
heep was paler than today.
April ‎19th ‎2011, how pink wool on sheep would appear.
2010 Doors today
A cave and a chasm intersect
Ladder on a cob web
F3 would display an x-ray vision of mobs' entity ID

2010 Diamond tools had 1000 durability, here's a screen shot of a row of pick axes that had been nearly used up when converted to 1500 durability.
Doors use to not stack in the inventory
The [even farther] far lands corner
Infdev water would only animate, but not flow in anyway. Placing any blocks in water would destroy the water making it possible to create underwater tunnels.
Rain via F5 in classic would appear underwater
2016 less than 1 meter active water was not safe to dive in. Taking unexpected fall damage. In 2010 less than 2 meters of water was not safe to dive in.
The legs of beds use to have missing textures when seen from below.
Rowing a boat off water onto dry ground below the water would instantly kill the player (huge fall damage?).
Something like this was seen with the lily pads when they were first introduced.
A squid swims in air error
Sun rises use to have a lot less color.
I would prefer this more often and have the colorful sun sets/rises sparsely.
In 2010 we had wild trees in infdev for the first time. They lasted a few weeks and then disappeared for a year and then returned. By then the bright green hue of leaves and grass were replaced by a duller hue. This was the first Minecraft mod that Notch himself added to the official release. It was rare for him to take any ideas from anyone let alone mods and incorporate it into Minecraft.
The SFX of slimes in 2010
Far chunks appeared darker
You use to be able to zoom
with holding a key to reduce
FOV to 0.
Minecarts could be boosted via two minecarts in a 2x2 rail loop.
Not seen in action here, but the layout is setup.
Signs use to be able to be stacked on one another outside the inventory.

Classic stone slab. Became petrified wood in 1.13 - Mojang is genius.

For a variety of Minecraft screenshots
I took not included thus prier, visit 8x14's mega.nz site

Plus my minecraft worlds and a few goodies.
Download them and use as you wish. 100% Public Domain