Dungeon Remaster

 My 3rd Return To Chaos custom dungeon 
Dungeon Remaster v0.2
Feb 13th 2017. This one is sort of an expansion pack [or revamp] for the original DM dungeon:
First dozen Trolins have no clubsWalls make scraping sound when toggling

Most mobs don't drop armors/weapons; (Animated Armors, Trolins and Skeletons).
Some Trolins with no clubs.
Creatures from CSB.
Variants for staircases, some later on with no handrails, decrepit steps or missing.
Extra items; Sabatons[√]. Light Sources, Lamp/Lantern.
More wall/floor/ceiling decor [Cracks, holes, moss, tiny ceiling vents].
Ambient Audio. [Wind, dripping, sand falling, mice.]
More gates turned into bashable doors.
Weapons and armor have stats when examined [AC, attack DMG].
There are less chests. Items in chests are on the ground, in satchels, in alcoves or on shelves.
Champions from TQ and DM2. [30% Done]
Clubs have limited attacks before disappearing.
Texture of rooms that are hidden via movable wall are crumbly and or mossy.
A mini boss is blind in darkness [Purpose for darkness spell].
Some champion's mirrors have scrolls that describes them [Scroll vanishes after first descend].
Start on level 1, ascend to an upper level 0 for treasures in small 2x2 rooms connected via halls.
Each lair is 20% darker then the one above it until about the 5th floor. [20%]
Scrolls/wall texts declare level number and name of floor [Quarry, Riddle Rooms].
Lair with dragon has no visible ceiling [Walls/floor are inverted color?].
Spent torches vanish.
A few ninja and fighter spells [Some have one rune].
Some items when in inventory/hand or on floor animate; Torches, potions and wands.
Lightning, Fireballs, Open-door and spells that travel have larger images as to be more visible from afar.

Using some of DM2's creatures in lower depths. http://dmweb.free.fr/?q=node/782

To keep the player on their toes, things that they are used to become unnerving encounters with weird patterns emerging
from the haze.
After the Void, strange foes within the blue haze of transporters stalk and attack the party. 2004, May 5th.

 Prepare to meet your doom, played via Beat-nic plugin.

Music [events]
BGM [most]

https://www.premiumbeat.com/royalty-free-tracks/new-way-out Stem 5 and maybe 6

Dungeon Remastered (Tribute to the original DM with extended environments, BG stories and cutscenes), Bludgeons and Casters. A stand alone app built on the remains of Escape from Dragon Mountain.

From Learn English 101

Originally Opinionated On Non Originals
