Dungeon Remaster v0.2 |
First dozen Trolins have no clubs | Walls make scraping sound when toggling |
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Most mobs don't drop armors/weapons; (Animated Armors, Trolins and Skeletons).
Some Trolins with no clubs.
Creatures from CSB.
Variants for staircases, some later on with no handrails, decrepit steps or missing.
Extra items; Sabatons[√]. Light Sources, Lamp/Lantern.
More wall/floor/ceiling decor [Cracks, holes, moss, tiny ceiling vents].Ambient Audio. [Wind, dripping, sand falling, mice.]
More gates turned into bashable doors.
Weapons and armor have stats when examined [AC, attack DMG].
There are less chests. Items in chests are on the ground, in satchels, in alcoves or on shelves.
Champions from TQ and DM2. [30% Done]
Clubs have limited attacks before disappearing.
Texture of rooms that are hidden via movable wall are crumbly and or mossy.
A mini boss is blind in darkness [Purpose for darkness spell].
Some champion's mirrors have scrolls that describes them [Scroll vanishes after first descend].
Start on level 1, ascend to an upper level 0 for treasures in small 2x2 rooms connected via halls.
Each lair is 20% darker then the one above it until about the 5th floor. [20%]
Scrolls/wall texts declare level number and name of floor [Quarry, Riddle Rooms].
Lair with dragon has no visible ceiling [Walls/floor are inverted color?].
Spent torches vanish.
A few ninja and fighter spells [Some have one rune].
Some items when in inventory/hand or on floor animate; Torches, potions and wands.
Clubs have limited attacks before disappearing.
Texture of rooms that are hidden via movable wall are crumbly and or mossy.
A mini boss is blind in darkness [Purpose for darkness spell].
Some champion's mirrors have scrolls that describes them [Scroll vanishes after first descend].
Start on level 1, ascend to an upper level 0 for treasures in small 2x2 rooms connected via halls.
Each lair is 20% darker then the one above it until about the 5th floor. [20%]
Scrolls/wall texts declare level number and name of floor [Quarry, Riddle Rooms].
Lair with dragon has no visible ceiling [Walls/floor are inverted color?].
Spent torches vanish.
A few ninja and fighter spells [Some have one rune].
Some items when in inventory/hand or on floor animate; Torches, potions and wands.
Lightning, Fireballs, Open-door and spells that travel have larger images as to be more visible from afar.
Using some of DM2's creatures in lower depths. http://dmweb.free.fr/?q=node/782
To keep the player on their toes, things that they are used to become unnerving encounters with weird patterns emerging from the haze. | After the Void, strange foes within the blue haze of transporters stalk and attack the party. 2004, May 5th. |
Prepare to meet your doom, played via Beat-nic plugin. |
Music [events]
BGM [most]
BGM [most]
https://www.premiumbeat.com/royalty-free-tracks/new-way-out Stem 5 and maybe 6
Dungeon Remastered (Tribute to the original DM with extended environments, BG stories and cutscenes), Bludgeons and Casters. A stand alone app built on the remains of Escape from Dragon Mountain.
From Learn English 101 |
Skyrim |
Originally Opinionated On Non Originals
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