ZZT Exhibit - Codepage 437

Forest, Ammo, Energizer and Torch
‎January ‎4th, ‎2004
Blog Est 2015, August 14th for ZZT, ASCII and the glyphs of Codepage 437.
I came across ZZT in the mid 90's on a CD-ROM titled 'House of Games II'. It contained hundreds of DOS games, demos and screensavers.
It's okay with me if one outside the US and pronounces ZZT as 'Zed Zed Tee'.
A screengrab of a world included in Revenge of ZZT
ZZT 3.2

Super ZZT
The first half of this page is ZZT related whilst the last half of this page is CP437's 256 glyphs, uses and origins. The upper section of this blog post is for user created worlds within ZZT. The Mid-section is some general information on ZZT and the Lower section is info on each glyph of the ASCII map of Codepage437.

I wonder what happens when trying to walk on water via transporter...
Screengrab halfway through the adventure
Most development c∙ 2009
Tyrobain.szt v1.0
2016, June 5th. A custom made world for Super ZZT. All files in download are to be placed in same folder as the SuperZ.exe program. Uses custom font. The expedition of Orin will take him through plains, caves, archipelagos, hamlets and castles. All to thwart a supernatural villain who claims illegitimate rulership in the world of Tyrobain.

An example of the files in Mega.NZ download. Some memos; In the left center screengrab above is one of the 3D sections of the world. On actual hardware this plays through ok, but with Dosbox emulating Super ZZT, the gameplay begins to halt at this point. I have no way to address the issue. Not every one has access to an old PC to play this on, so I agree if the user wants to quit Tyrobain at this point, or until it can be played without emulation.

Tyrobain Luggage (content that was not included in Tyrobain) [uploaded 6/5/16] As the world size limit is 400,000 bites (preferably a little less than 398kb to prevent crashes and SZT file corruption) most of everything in this world could not fit in the main game. (Thus, why the ending of Tyrobain seemed hastily put together) Luggage includes ideas 
and concepts with various boards.

Zhamlet.szt v2.0 Town of ZZT fan-ported to Super ZZT
 Latest upload 2017, November 20th.

Initially uploaded 2015, August 16th.

Hamlet of Super ZZT has additions to the original Town of ZZT including but not limited to; NPCs and Vendors, extra dialogue, renaming of boards, various coloring of terrain and overall changes throughout. I do plan on creating a more faithful port to the original, separate from my enhanced version named Town of Super ZZT.

Statless.szt v1.0 2008/2016
My own Tool Kit, with all sorts of oddballs, colored-statless-beasts, frozen-items and the works.
With Super ZZT v4.0, it's possible to create a separate SZT (maybe BRD) file to contain nearly all possible kinds in one board.

Dgndoom1.szt (Dungeon of Doom)
Created 2011, March 22nd. Proof of graphical concept for a Super ZZT version of Rogue. It is a prototype and not meant to be completed. May have been a side quest for Tyrobain but was scrapped for world size constraints.

Hints: Cut and paste in a dos box
Szzt; 40x25 characters screen. Play area in characters 24 wide by 20 tall. Board size 80x 96y (?)

Doors and arrows are the same character and color. But that brown slash is a door.
A.D.O.M., an ascii Rogue-like

De-make of Portal in ZZT.

A mirror download of Tyrobain is
uploaded to:
I fellow ZZTer Adrian Siekierka
had suggested the site.

Clip filmed ‎June ‎3rd, ‎2022.

From gamasutra's article

From The Past To The Future: Tim Sweeney Talks

Tell me about Super ZZT. Were there any improvements in the engine that were substantial over ZZT?
TS: Super ZZT was the same basic engine, but I extended it to scroll, so now you had these boards that were -- I don't remember the size -- several thousand by several thousand, so you could go for several boards at a time just scrolling smoothly through the environment.

I thought that was a big improvement. It was kind of the ideal I was heading for. I really love the Ultima style of game where you had this expansive, seemingly-limitless landscape that you can go through.

But I never really got to that point with Super ZZT. I had this idea from the very beginning that it was going to be a streaming game world, where you could have unlimited board sizes -- you know, millions by millions if wanted -- and it would just load parts of it on demand as you go through. But I was constrained for time. I wanted to ship something, and be able to release a lot of games, so I didn't put the effort into it.

The other thing I would have really loved to do but just didn't have the time for was make it a BBS-based game, so ideally, you could have a bunch of users dialing in and playing together, each user moving independently.

I always wished for a multi-user ZZT -- like a MUD where you could build stuff in ASCII graphics and just have other people interact through that.
TS: Yeah, even better: keep it live, right? You'd be able to build things in the MMO environment while people are playing through it. [...]

How well did Super ZZT sell compared to ZZT?
TS: Super ZZT was never successful. It was... maybe a copy a day at its peak. Hard to say why. I guess that's the danger of Super ZZT. It went more in the direction of being a real game with realistic scrolling, graphics, and everything.

Did it have an editor with it? I don't ever remember using the editor in that game.
TS: Yeah, it shipped with one, but there's some stupid cheat code [''/e'' in the command line] you had to use to get into the editor.
That was probably your problem, then.
TS: Yeah, there was a business mistake there. Kroz did the same thing. With Kroz, Apogee released the game for free as shareware -- one episode of it, and you could buy the other episodes. But the editor you had to pay money to get, so most people never got the editor or ever saw it.
So you didn't have this sort of user community developing around the editor.
ZZT included the editor in the shareware version and everybody was able to do it whether or not they sent in money. That was a huge factor in it being successful, I think.

Just looking at our current stuff, I have to wonder how much more successful -- how much larger the mod community for Unreal or more recent games might have been if we'd given away the editor tools to everybody without any cost at all.

Without selling the game to them? Is that what you're saying?
TS: Yeah. But it's a different scale. You can't really make the business comparison, because millions of people bought Unreal, whereas several thousand bought ZZT, so it might be that buyers of a game like Unreal are enough to fully support the community.

Did you ever consider doing a version of ZZT with bitmapped sprites?
TS: When I created ZZT, it was 80x25 column, 16 color text mode, basically. I then created Super ZZT, which was lower -- it was 40-column mode, so characters were square, which was better for the movement speed and everything. I was thinking at that point of creating a graphical game, sorta like Ultima-level graphics -- still tile based, but with iconic representations of everything.

There were two problems: one, I was such a terrible artist; I didn't have any collaborators at the time. The other thing is, a lot of the cool constraints that made ZZT interesting really don't work when you're unconstrained graphically.

With ZZT, every character is at a particular grid location in the world, and if you have fractional movement between grid locations, you have a whole different set of obstructions and rules for movement. Animation becomes more complicated, and then you have to handle collisions between guys which are half-way between cells. So I ended up concluding that it wasn't worth creating a tile-based game with unconstrained movement.

An extra 50 pixels screen height making it 400 not 350

   Sometimes you can double up on flags. Say there is an ORB and a SWORD
   you can collect. This could allow three combos: ORB, SWORD, and BOTH.
   So the programs could be:

   You grab the orb.
   #if SWORD piggy
   #set ORB
   #clear SWORD
   #set ORBSWORD

   You equip the sword.
   #if ORB piggy
   #set SWORD
   #clear ORB
   #set ORBSWORD

   Now, to check for the orb, you must check for both ORB and ORBSWORD. It
   adds extra programming, but is worth the gain of a flag in ZZT.


   A twist on piggy backing, sequencing is used when one object infers
   another. Example: There is a HILT, and a BLADE, but you need the HILT to
   get the BLADE.

   You grab the hilt.
   #set HILT

   #if not HILT oops
   You stick the blade onto the hilt!
   #clear HILT
   #set SWORD
   You need a hilt to stick on the blade.

   Now, the flag HILT means you have just the HILT, while SWORD means you
   have the hilt and the blade both. Another flag conserved!

ZZT Color = Name of color used in life
Green = Green full saturation, but considered Lime by most.
Cyan = Aqua, maybe Turquoise by some.
Purple = Fuchsia
Conjecture below;

Dark White = Grey
Dark Yellow = Brown
Dark Green = Dark Green
Dark Cyan = Teal, Turquoise
Dark Blue = Navy
Dark Purple = Violet?
Dark Red = Maroon

$Item Pack
#if not any red door [in board] $No red key in pack [as player has used the key]
#if any red key [in board] $No red key in pack [as the player has yet to grab it]
#if not any red key if any red door $Holding red key [as the player has the key but the door remains, so the key must be in the pack.]
Check all images for links...
It's a myth that Z.Z.T. is an acronym for Zoo of Zero Tolerance46 Kinds
Names of kinds

Character (s)
Character Number and Char Name
Action, Details
Black on Black. This is the tile/kind of nothing.
01Board Edge
Surrounds each board. These can be placed any spot on the board. You can also cheat these in-game and the player will walk off the board without leaving the board. This, however is guaranteed to crash ZZT with a run-time error. 
02Null or unknown

ZZT-OOP recognizes these as a kind. Internal use...? Unknown
This is the sprite that is controlled by the user. Arrow keys move. Shift + arrow keys shoots. Always visible on dark boards.
132+5 Ammo. Can be moved via boulder or pusher. +10 in SZ
+1 Torches. Can't be moved, why this is is unknown. (Null in SZZT) Used to light darkened boards.
Always visible on dark boards.
004 Diamonds+1 Gems. Can be moved via boulder or pusher.
For a door. The player can keep one of each colored key at a time. He has a lot to learn from Chip ;)
Inverted Hoop
The foreground remains white [unless hacked via ZZTAE] while the BG is what determines the key needed. As it is the BG only the dark shades of the colors depicted are usable. And those tend to blend.
Mostly for text, these can have some OOP code.
Allows only the player to move between boards. Much like the colors of the door, the BG is much easier to see. Always visible on dark boards.
5 Characters;
Replicates most anything.
Each time these finish a cycle they make an obnoxious jingle. Use these sparingly as possible. Or have an object '#play x' on repeat. More info in future...
Film of a bomb glitching.
011 Male
The 1 is when it blows and the 0 is when the explosion fades. After '2' the item reverts to the male sign and vanishes.
Activated via player's touch. It counts from 9 to... well 2 and detonates. The missing 1 and 0 may have to do with the way it's programmed.  Appears as a backwards ð
127 House
It's unknown what the purple house symbol represents. My speculation? The glyph has 5 sides as a star has 5 points, so Tim/Allen had Super Mario on the mind and wanted a Star power-up.
While energized, the powered up player can't be damaged by contact with enemies, bullets and coincidently, throwing stars. One can still take damage from blinking walls, explosions, time running out and objects #taking H.P. away.
4 CharactersThrown via objects, tigers and spinning guns. Only these and scrolls cycle colors.
[Conveyor Belt]
4 CharactersCauses most items and creatures to rotate in the surrounding 8 spaces.
11Counter Clockwise
[Conveyor Belt]
4 CharactersSame as above. These are fun to play around with.

Hexadecimal code is 45 in Super ZZT
Degree Sign
A projectile. There is a glyph [007] that coincidentally is also called a bullet. This however, uses the 'Degree' sign. Which looks more appealing. This little circle is adjusted up as to depict being fired from the player like a gun.
(Lava SZZT)
Blinking blue over grey, yellow over dark red.
Only bullets, sharks can pass thru or occupy water/lava.
Black foreground over dark green background.
15Solid Wall
219Ensures the player it's not a fake wall.
16Normal Wall
Dark shade
The most basic of level design. A normal wall.
17Breakable Wall
Medium Shade
Becomes [colored?] empty when shot, bombed or ran into by bears.
254Movable any direction via player, pushers or objects.
19Vertical Slider (sliderns)
018Only moves Y Axis
1AHorizontal Slider (sliderew)
029Only moves X axis
1BFake Wall178
Dark shade
Used as floors on custom worlds all the time
1CInvisible Wall
Null 000 ingame,
Lightshade 176 editing.
Turns into normal wall when player touches
Double cross
Laser beams!
11 Characters
or 3 for each
Teleports the player, ammo, gems and boulders but not torches just to name a few.
1FLine Wall
15 CharactersDecor
Lime on Black

Bounces bullets back 180 degrees. Ricochets a bullet 90 degrees when coupled with any kind of solid...
21Horizontal Blink wall=205
double Horizontal Lines
Takes 10 H.P. when the player is in its path.
Destroys any built in enemies. Can not go thru fakes, water or lava. The player can be killed when contact is made but can't be displaced (even if fakes are adjacent).
'O' with
Glyph may represent head with ears, wide open mouth and eyes or a paw print.
In SZ, the glyph is a snake.
Personally, I would have these shoot rather than tigers
The purple clubs are the muscular body. You can set the Intel and the Rest. This is the only enemy in which the user can set the Resting Time. That is, pause cycles
24Object1 of any of the 256 charactersThe most diverse of all creatures. Objects are the core of custom worlds.

Same glyph as the ricochet. These are the most hazardous as they spread (self replicate) and leave behind a field of breakables - nearly trapping the player. Slime can not be shot or blown-up. They do however, die when it can't move into an empty or fake.
(Null in SZZT?)
These are confined to the water terrain. They can't be shot or bombed.
4 Characters Shoots either bullets or stars in 4 directions as does the tiger.
These are pushy. Listed under creatures, these can't be defeated besides using #change.

The last Greek letter omega represents the male lion's mane. This is my favorite glyph depiction for a thing in ZZT. The simplicity of a red outline chosen for a mane is fantastic.

Supposed to be the tiger's front fangs. It may have been colored 'cyan' [aqua] for décor.
2B[Blink Wall's]
Vertical Ray
Double Vertical Line
Takes 10 H.P. away when the player is in its path. Destroys bullets, stars and most built-in enemies. Can not go thru fakes, water nor lava. The player can die instantly if he can't be displaced when contact takes place.
2CHeadMake the head and last segment a neon color, but all the segments black.223
of the Centipede. Glyph is large eyes on a head(?).
of a Centipede. Like the arcade game of the same name.
Either Text, undefined or unused.Any one of all1 of any of the 256 charactersThis and next 6 rows are built-in text.
Counting color text types, there are 46 kinds in ZZT.
An extr11 more kinds exclusive to Super ZZT. UNFISHISHED PART OF POST...
Char 176
Similar to Fake Walls.
30Water North
30Forces player in pointy end up.
31Water South
31I wish blogger had a join table cells button.
32Water West
33Water East
16Water water everywhere.
148 Rodent? These speed thru at cycle 1 and are a hard target... Name comes from rotate?
3CDragon Pup3 chars..?Unfinished enemy. Does not move. Tends to animate when forced to move, I.E. Clockwise. It appears odd in editor, instead it looks like a key in the F4 menu.
229Unfinished enemy. Motionless. Has 1 setting. Possibly a piranha for lava.
15Any 1 of 16 colors for the foreground. Default cycle is 1.
12 charsMeant for spiders. Comparable to Fakes and floors.
40Stone of Power
A to Z
26 CharactersPlayer can collect these despite having no way of utilizing them besides to be used as an integer. Max amount is not studied... Cycles 7 Colors.

4 Kinds with reassigned hex numbers;
Horizontal blink wall ray
Vertical blink wall beam

Quasi Kinds; I'd be scanty if I did not mention these. Most of the kinds that have stats (lions, objects, bullets, transporters...) can be stripped of their data and not take any allocated object limit (as many as you want). As an example Sharks would have their associated character and be any color but act as a wall. These 'stripped-objects' continue to be associated with its kind, thus - #change [all] shark[s] [present into] gem[s]

Acquire PureSTK.zzt on zzt.org for these and all sorts of strange kinds.

 Darkness Tile : When a board is dark, a grey-lightshade over black blankets the whole board. The player, torches and passageways are always visible.

Phantom breakable
: In Super ZZT, when the player shoots an adjacent breakable to him, the breakable is destroyed but the GFX remain until another kind covers the breakable, or is scrolled off screen.

 Hole : In some instances in ZZT 3.2, a strange invisible tile is created in which the player 'hops' over. Objects walking through the tile will have their coding erased in-game, and even its chosen glyph-character will revert to the hollow smiley. Using flood fill (press X with built-in editor) with creatures tends to cause this.

 Inside Interface : The player can zap (cheat function) their way past the east side of a board and walk through the sidebar-inventory (it crashes the game (and I don't recommend it)). The player will leave behind a trail of black empties when stepping into each tile of the interface.

 Unloaded Blank : When the player is walking off the edge of a board, the board coming into view will be all dark purple solids briefly. This is more noticeable with slower PCs or Dosbox emulation.

 Marooned Errored : In ZZT, during the title screen of a loaded world, attempting to load a save file without success - all tiles on the board of the title screen will flood with dark red solids that stick around until something interacts with it (creatures, blinkwall rays...) Possibly accompanied by a 'Dos Error' message.

None of the objects move or animate (change character/glyph) in unison.
But changing most kinds (such as breakable wall to ammo) will be instant across the board.

An image of Codepage437 as it appears 
with ZZT Advanced Editor.
All 256 characters are monospaced, as in they are all 8 pixels by 14 pixels.
#if not any lion if bullet !you can't shoot here!
8x8 pixel version one may have
under some resolution setups
There are many versions of cp437. Each variation is unspecified and tends of differ with each PC. While all have 256 characters and each glyph is always 2 colors. In one version the two smileys have elongated chins while the Greek beta letter differs from upper case to lower case. Codepage 437 is the US, Codepage 850 is Multilingual, 860 Portuguese, 863 French-Canadian and 865 Nordic. Technically, the first half of CP437 is only considered ASCII.
An 8x16 pixel version. I don't use this map, just for illustration. Pretty much the same but there's two rows of blank pixels on most of them.

 Insight into Codepage437 
Designed in 1980 to be a typeface 
of one of the first few public OS's for the personal computer. It consists of 256 glyphs, divided into symbols, letters, numbers and graphical box drawing characters. Each character is an 8 pixel wide by 14 pixel tall square consisting of 2 colors.

So why 256? It has to do with magnetic film [or mylar] on a floppy disk, or physical-metal-construction of a hard drive disk. It's the result of how many combinations you get with a string of eight ones and zeros (00110101). The makers of the Codepage had to assign a unique (well, almost all unique) different looking character for each of the 256 possibilities each binary combo of an 8-bit format could offer. The designers of CP437 drew glyphs for what they perceived would be useful in a mostly global setting for early PCs.
ə  Peach
Tan text typeable. Greyed text requires expertise to type
Characters #32 (space) all through #127 (house) are all typed using a keyboard totals 96. The rest, 0 to 31 and 128 (Cedilla) through 255 can mostly be accessed via Windows Character Map program accessory. Some characters though, can not be used at all (like the first few dozen or so) in some circumstances (like in Notepad), or in a scroll or object due to them being used in file format coding. Not counting macro keys and windows specific keys, a keyboard has on average 101 keys. 000 Through 127 ASCII

 Glyph Index  Part 1 - Control Characters
Personally, I would say text within any "( ), { }, < > and [ ]" is a 'tangent'.

000 Null
001☺Hollow Smiley [Start of Heading]
illed Smiley [Start of Text]
003 ♥ Heart [End of Text]
004 ♦ Diamond [End of Transmission] Lozenge
005 ♣ Club [Enquiry]
006 ♠ Spade [Acknowledge]
007 ● Bullet [Beep] [Bell]
008 ◘ Inverted Bullet, Inverullet? Inverted Diamond [Backspace]
009 ○ Function composition [Horizontal Tab]
010 ◙ Inverted Hoop. Line Feed. Paragraph. [Linefeed]
011 ♂ Male. Symbol for Mars' shield and spear. [Cursor Home. New Line. Vertical Tab]
♀ Female. Symbol for Venus' hand mirror. [New Page. Form feed]
013 ♪ Eighth Note. Reserved. [Carriage return]
 ♫ Beamed 
Eighth Notes [Shift Out]
 ☼ Solar Symbol (or Starburst
) [Shift in]
016 ► East [Data link escape]
017 ◄ West [Device control 1]
018 ↕ Vertical A [Device control 2]
019 ‼ Double Exclamation Mark (Math/Chess) Retroflex? [Device control 3]
020 ¶ Pilcrow Sign, Paragraph Symbol. These littered an old DOS word processor. 
[Device control 4]
021 § Section Sign [Negative acknowledge] [German, Italian]
022 ▬ Glyph only seen in Dos as the prompt cursor. No name. [Synchronous idle]
023 ↨ Vertical B (with Underscore) [End transmission block]
024 ↑Up Arrow [Cancel]
025 ↓ Down Arrow [End of medium]
026 → Right Arrow [Substitute]
027 ← Left Arrow [Escape]
028  Right Angle [File separator]
029 ↔ Horizontal [Group 
030 ▲ North [Record separator]
031 ▼ South [Unit separator]
                                    Part 2 - Writing Glyphs
032   Space
033 ! Exclamation Mark
034 " Quotes, not umlauts.
035 # Pound, Hashtag, Sharp.
036 $ Dollar Sign
037 % Percent Sign
038 & Ampersand

039 ` Apostrophe

040 ( Open Parentheses
041 ) Close Parentheses
042 * Asterisks
043 + Plus Sign, Addition (Add)
044 , Comma
045 - Subtract (Math), Dash (Word), Through (Both, 1-9 A-Z (1 to 9 and A to Z)).
046 . Period [Word], Point [Math] The period is used in words. The point is for decimal.
047 / Forward Slash
048 0 Zero
049 1 One

050 2 Two
051 3 Three
052 4 Four, not Fore.
053 5 Five
054 6 Six
055 7 Seven
056 8 Eight
057 9 Nine
058 : Colon
059 ; Semi-colon

060 '<' Lesser Then
061 = Equals
062 '>' Greater Then
063 ? Question Mark
064 @ At Sign [formally commercial at sign]
065 A Origin was a symbol for an ancient 'Ox Near By' warning sign.
066 B It began as a symbol for a 'House'.
067 C
068 D
069 E

070  F
071  G
072  H [US ''aach'', UK ''haych'']
073  I
074  J
075  K
076  L
077  M
078  N
079  O

080 P
081 Q
082 R
083 S
084 T
085 U
086 V Along with 'U' and 'V', these used to all be the letter 'W'.
087 W Use to be the Wing letter
088 X
089 Y

090 Z  Pronounced Zee in US, and Zed in Canada, UK.
091 [  Left Bracket
092 \  Back Slash
093 ]  Right Bracket
094 ^  Caret
095 _  Underscore. Before you could use spaces in file names, they had to use these.
096 `  Grave accent
097 a
098 b
099 c

100 d
101 e
102 f
103 g
104 h
105 i
106 j
107 k
108 l
109 m

110 n
111 o
112 p
113 q
114 r
115 s
116 t
117 u
118 v

119 w
120 x Pronounced eks. 
Multiply\Times or 'By' symbol, i.e ''Board is 3'' x 3'' x 3'' or three by three by three'' which = 27 cubic inches. Same as ''The figure measures 3 x 3 x 3'' or three times three times three = 27.
121 y

122 z Zee or Zed
123 { Left Brace
124 | Vertical Bar
125 } Right Brace
126 ~ Tilde
127  House symbol. Ctrl +backspace with some word processors.

Diacritical Marks: "Diaresis (or umlaut) ~Tilde  `Grave  'Acute  °Ring  ^Circumflex
None of the glyphs listed below have the - mark above any letters.
These lower case letters are pronounced as they are a stand alone. i = Ice, a = Ale. e = Eve.
Many of the letters with above marks have a word following it as an example.
Row 5, Diacritics. بەڵێ
128 Ç Upper case letter C with cedilla
129 ü 'Uber' [Example use in a word, Denature (U with umlaut) [Finnish, German, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Swiss]
130 é Mêlée [Finnish, FrenchFrench-Canadian, Italian, Swedish, Swiss]
131 â 'Care' [French-Canadian]
132 ä 'Arm' [Picked for the Ammo item. The 'a' is for ammo and the Dieresis are bullets] a w/ umlaut. [Finnish, 
German, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Swiss]
133 à [French-Canadian, Italian, Swiss]
134 å The 'a' in ask [Finnish
, French? Norwegian, Danish, Swedish]
135 ç 'Facade', Lowercase letter c with cedilla [French, French-Canadian] [French-Canadian, Italian, Spanish, Swiss]
136 ȇ 'Crêpe' [e with Inverted Breve] [Swiss]
137 ë [Diaresis] umlaut
138 è [French-Canadian, 
Italian, Swiss]
139 ï 
140 î 'Idea' [French-Canadian, Swiss]
141 ì 'Candle' [Italian]
142 Ä 'Arduous' [Finnish, German, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish]
143 Å 'Stargate' [Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish]
144 É Éclair [Swedish]
145 æ Ash lower case. A cross between 'a' and 'e'. [Norwegian, Danish]
146 Æ Ash upper case. [Norwegian, Danish]
147 ô 'Orb' 'Pear' [French-Canadian, Swiss]
148 ö 'Bootes' https://youtu.be/Wogn2oDEDXs?t=35s [Finnish, German, Swedish, Swiss]
149 ò 'An apple' [Italian]
150 û 'Urn' [French-Canadian, Swiss]
151 ù 'Pestle' [French-Canadian, Italian, Swiss]
152 ÿ 'Hydra' y with umlaut.
153 Ö 'Bear' umlaut [Finnish, German, Swedish]
154 Ü 'Boar' umlaut [Finnish, German, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish]
155 ¢ Cent Sign
156 £ Pound sign
157 ¥ Yen Sign [Bought a torch with yen/yuen]
158 Pt [I have yet to find a glyph for this in Character Map's Arial]
159 ƒ Florin
160 á
161 í
162 ó
163 ú 'Mortar'
164 ñ Pina [Spanish]
165 Ñ Ninja [Spanish]
166 ª [The CP437 format has an underline, as with the glyph 167]
167 º Ordinal indicator? As with 166
168 ¿ Inverted question mark [Spanish]
169 ⌐ Reversed Not Sign [Math]
170 ¬
171 ½ Half
172 ¼ Quarter
173 ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark [Spanish]
174 « Chevron Inverse
175 » Chevron Forward
Row 6 and 7, Latin Graphical.
176 ░ Light Shade
177 ▒ Medium Shade
178 ▓ Dark Shade [None of the 'Box Drawing Characters' have names, only describe the shape.]
179 │
180 ┤
181 ╡
182 ╢
183 ╖
184 ╕
185 ╣
186 ║
187 ╗
188 ╝
189 ╜
190 ╛
191 ┐
192 └
193 ┴
194 ┬
195 ├
196 ─
197 ┼ 'Crosshair'
198 ╞
199 ╟
200 ╚
201 ╔
202 ╩
203 ╦
204 ╠
205 ═
206 ╬ 'Crossroads'
207 ╧
208 ╨
209 ╤ 'Mounted Sign'

210 ╥ 'The tiger is a lie.'
211 ╙
212 ╘
213 ╒
214 ╓
215 ╫ 'Mini ISS'
216 ╪ 'Double Dagger'
217 ┘
218 ┌
219 █

220 ▄
221 ▌
222 ▐
223 ▀
 Row 8, Greek.
224 α Greek Small Alpha
225 β Greek Small Beta [German?]
226 Γ Greek Cap Gamma
227 π Greek Small Pi
228 Σ Upper Case Sigma
229 σ Small Sigma

230 μ Mu (?) Micro Sign [Microns as a measurement]
231 τ Tau (?)
232 Φ Cap Phi [The cp437 version of this letter is slightly changed]
233 θ Small Theta
234 Ω Omega
235 δ Small Delta
236 ∞ Infinity
237 φ Small Phi [The cp437 version of this letter is slightly changed]
238 ε Small Epsilon
239 ∩ Intersection [Math]

240 ≡ Identical Too, Greek Cap Xi
241 ± Plus Minus sign
242 ≥ Greater than or equal to
243 ≤ Less than or equal to
244 ⌠ Upper Integral
245 ⌡ Lower Integral
246 ÷ Divide Sign / Obelus. For mathematical division, yet keyboards don't have them.
247 ≈ Almost Equal To
248 ° Degree Sign [Italian?]
249 ∙ Bullet Operator

250 · Interpunct
251 √ Square Root / Check mark sign
252 ⁿ Superscript n
253 ² Superscript Two
254 ■ Blinking Dos Text Curser.
255   Non Breaking Space
Zigzag: A program remake of 1992's Super ZZT, named "Zigzag"
Board sizes are 35 characters wide by 25 characters tall.
Brittle Wall. Breakable's replacement. ZZT's Breakable Walls, are replaced with Zigzag's Brittle Walls. In OOP coding it's 'Brittle'.

‎August ‎16th, ‎2022: w An entirely new creature, Ram. Named after computing lingo Random Access Memory, rams have the 'effort' (intelligence) and have all the same aspects of lions. But a ram wont collide with the player. Only the player can collide with rams (walking into the same square as they occupy). So in theory, unless you are surrounded by 8 rams or more you can keep stepping through empties and not take damage until you reach safety. Rams add to the variety of opponents in Zigzag they are intended for wilderness areas and not meant to be hunted🐏

December ‎20th, ‎2007:
The scroll messages can have any color font in editing and during gameplay🍭

December 10th 2023: Ash. Character 219 Dark grey over black.
A speckle of this kind is left behind from kegs detonating. Ash behaves as empties, it impedes nothing and turns into empties when anything passes over them much like forest. It also disappears when scrolled off screen. By default ash has the look of dark colored solid walls.

Mud: Can be walked over by the player, these slow its movement by half. Bullets, stars and most enemies pass through unabated. Color of water determines type of liquid: Blues=water. Reds=Lava. Brown Black=Mud.

Tile: Replacement for Fake Walls.